When Wizards of Waverly Place first aired in 2007, Janice LeAnn Brown wasn’t even born yet. David Henrie — an original castmember who is now her co-star and executive producing the sequel series, Wizards Beyond Waverly Place — confirms this with the teen actor, almost in disbelief. The Disney Channel series, which launched the careers of its stars Selena Gomez, Henrie and Jake T. Austin, finished its first run in early 2012. Some of the original cast, including Henrie and Gomez, now both in EP roles, have returned for the sequel series. Wizards Beyond Waverly Place brings in Billie, portrayed by Brown, as the new spunky teen wizard, looking for guidance and familial support. A role that Henrie’s Justin and the Russo family gladly takes on in the series. Below, Henrie and Brown discuss with The Hollywood Reporter the importance of bringing the original show’s message to a new generation, having Gomez on board and how the show lures back original fans.
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What is it like to be back on a show that was, presumably, quite pivotal for you?
DAVID HENRIE It’s a great question. For me, the word would be meaningful. It’s more than just a job. It’s more than just getting back in front of the camera. It’s meaningful because the fans over the years have meant so much to me and Selena. Some of the stories they’ve told us have touched our hearts. We’ve had kids from all over the world come up to us both and say, “Your show literally saved my life. I was in a really tough time in life and I needed a laugh, and you were there at the right moment.” Or “I come from a very broken family, and your show showed me that not all families can abandon you. That families can be there for you and can give you that foundation.” That’s why it’s so meaningful. I wanted to bring this show back both as a big hug to the original fan of nostalgia and bring those values to a whole new generation who have missed the original show. A lot of the fans we’re going after were born after it ended, so we’re really excited to bring same love to a whole new audience. I mean, Janice, when were you born?
HENRIE Yeah, we were done. The show was finishing in 2011, so it’s an exciting time to engage a whole new audience.
Speaking of a whole new audience, Janice, what was it like to take on this leading role? The pilot episode was very fun. It seemed like you were having a great time. How has the experience has been so far?
BROWN The best way I can describe it is that it’s truly been an honor, especially since growing up… I was a big fan of the movie, so I would watch the movie all the time. I probably watched one season of the series, but the movie was my jam. To be part of something that I used to hold dear to my heart feels very surreal, like a great blessing to have.
It obviously means something different for both of you, but what has it been like to have Selena Gomez on board for the series?
HENRIE She was the first person I brought the idea to, although both of us kind of came up with it together because we would just hang out so much over the years. Her, me and my wife, we’d be having dinners, drinking wine, talking about great memories. We would be creating ideas about what the characters would be up to in present day. At a certain point we both looked at each other and said, “I think we got a show here.” When it got time to be formal with it and pitch and everything, I took it to her in all seriousness and I was like, “Hey, I wouldn’t do this without you. I don’t think it’d be right. I can’t do something like that. What do you think?” She was like, “Yeah, duh, of course, this is the perfect timing.” Her and I went back and forth and took it into Disney together and the first objective was to find someone that could be the next Alex [Gomez’s character]. That’s where Janice entered the equation. It is very meaningful that she was as enthused as I was and saw the need for it like I did.
Janice, what has it been like working with both of them?
BROWN They both make me feel so safe to be myself. Ask questions, make mistakes. I know they have my best interest in heart, and I know that they’re not going to let me fall. To know that I have that type of support and to just know that I’m safe with these two lovely people, it genuinely just makes me feel so relieved and happy.
What are you most excited about for people to see with the character of Billie or just the show in general?
BROWN I’m excited for people to see Billie’s growth. I think throughout the show, you can definitely see how she’s growing into the Russos and it’s a big difference from the first episode to the last. This really shows how much people can change when they’re in a really great environment. It just shows that family can always have your back, they can help you through everything. It just kind of goes to prove that you don’t have to be blood related to someone, but it’s just like a found family. I’m really excited for people to see the character development, the adventure, the attitude, the funniness.
David, you kind of touched upon this saying by saying Billie is the next Alex. It’s fair to say your son in this show, Roman (Alkaio Thiele), is certainly the next Justin [Henrie’s character] in this series. What has it been like to be the father figure to that role versus you playing that role?
HENRIE It’s so cool. When he auditioned, it was very similar to Janice. It was very much the entire room turning to each other and going, “Yeah, that’s him, that’s mini-Justin.” You can’t really teach timing. It wasn’t something that even I learned, although, I took my acting classes and I did a lot of improv. You kind of have it or you don’t and then you can hone it. He’s a big musical theater kid, so he’s used to performing and he’s got the timing. Comedic timing is really hard. Sitcom timing’s hard and big energy timing’s hard, and you either got it or you don’t. He’s got it in spades. He’s a forward thinker. I could tell his brain’s working to see what he can do to add his own little spin on things, and he tries things very much similar spirit to myself. Getting to work with a little mini me is really fun. Our scenes together where we just have one-on-ones are really, really fun. Just like looking in a mirror and he looks exactly like me. It’s crazy. You can get people that look like you, but then combining that with the acting, that never happens. He was the right look and the right acting.
What is it like to be able to drop in a little bit for the older viewers that are watching through their kids or this new generation? Is that something you keep in mind?
HENRIE We do lots to take care of the original fans in particular. We do throwback episodes where my character will look familiar to the original episodes that you’re familiar with. There might be some time travel involved or not literal time travel, but recreating things from the original show, same wardrobes from the original show. We very much connect the dots from where you last saw Wizards of Waverly Place to present day. In that in-between space, there’s mystery and excitement that happened, that we carry forward. All throughout the season of the show, there’s lots of past mysteries that are being unfolded, present day. That the fans will really appreciate, that’s a driving engine in the first season.
What do you really want people to take away from this new series?
BROWN I think what I really just want to have, what I am looking most forward to is just to show people that they’re not alone. That even when it may feel that way, that there’s always going to be someone that will have your back. Even if it feels like, “Oh, no one’s going to accept me, no one’s going to like me. What if I don’t fit in with these kids? What if these kids think this and that about me?” I just want people to know that it does not matter what other people say. I want everyone to know that they’re just not alone. You have people by your side. Don’t ever try to put yourself down to fit in. Just remember to, if you have family, cherish it. Don’t take it for granted.
HENRIE That’s actually a really good way to tee up my answer because the challenge was, how do you recreate those lovely family values from the original show in a whole new way? It’s a really hard challenge and the answer is actually simple. You bring in a character who has been struggling to find family and you bring that person in like a wrecking ball and watch her start to become a Russo. It was a lovely way to restart the engine of the show by bringing in a character who’s had a troubled family life, and one who is desperately yearning from that, but also running from it at the same time. It’s been working out nicely for us.
Wizards Beyond Waverly Place‘s first nine episodes are now streaming on Disney+. A release date for the remaining episodes of the 21-episode season have yet to be announced. Read THR‘s chat with showrunners Scott Thomas and Jed Elinoff.
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